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To pass biometric identification, apply Vaseline or Boroplus on fingers overnight -Anumeha Yadav

-The Hindu The technical glitches that plague cash transfers in Jharkhand may not have arisen with a simpler system that does not need Internet connectivity Pilot cash transfer projects taken up in Jharkhand for MGNREGA wages have achieved little success due to a variety of logistical, human and technological problems. A year after the launch of these projects, the problems remain unsolved. In Ramgarh district, a majority of the beneficiaries are in Dohakatu...

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Voting with your fingertips -N Gopalaswami

-The Hindu The incorporation of the Aadhar number in the electoral rolls will help to minimise malpractices and enable more people to participate in elections Every October, the Election Commission begins the annual exercise of revising the electoral rolls with the following January 1 as the effective date. This October, there was another important news — the launching of Aadhar enabled service delivery in Dudu in Rajasthan. The EC and Aadhar can...

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Government to organise camps in schools, colleges & panchayats to enroll beneficiaries under direct cash transfer scheme-Dheeraj Tiwari

-The Economic Times The government will set up camps in educational institutions and villages to speed up enrollment of beneficiaries under direct cash transfer scheme, a finance ministry official said. Direct cash transfer, a method the government hopes will plug leakages and cut delays in transfer of subsidies to the poor, is to be rolled out in 51 districts in 15 states from January 1. Enrollment camps will be set up in schools...

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Hiccups ahead for direct cash transfer plan -Aloke Tikku

-The Hindustan Times The Aadhaar-linked direct cash transfer scheme, which will be launched on January 1, runs the risk of tripping in more than one-third of the 43 districts where less than 50% of the population has an Aadhaar number. This includes Maharashtra's Nandurbar district, where Prime Minister Manmohan Singh handed over the first unique identity number to Ranjana Sonawne of Tembli village in September 2010. Overall, about 55 million of 84 million...

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Cabinet clears land bill, gives reforms a push

-The Hindustan Times The cabinet on Thursday cleared the land acquisition bill, paving way for its introduction in the winter session. With the new law in place, the government hopes to facilitate land acquisitions that have become a roadblock for the economy. The cabinet also removed bureaucratic hurdles that hold up highway projects. According to the provisions of the bill, consent of 80% of landowners would be needed to acquire land for private...

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