Total Matching Records found : 15713

Congress, CPI (M), JD(U) for 'total withdrawal' of Land Bill proposed by Centre

-PTI Sources in Congress said that it had sought restoration of the consent of 80 per cent of land owners to be obtained for private projects and that of 70 per cent for PPP ones. Congress, CPI-M and JD-U have sought a "total withdrawal" of proposed changes by the NDA government in the 2013 Land Act and inclusion of some additional MEAsures to further strengthen the law in favour of farmers. In...

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Not enough on the plate: Nutrition plan for poor mothers buried? -Zia Haq

-Hindustan Times A nutrition plan within the National Food Security Act MEAnt for pregnant women and lactating mothers, a vulnerable group that skews India’s hunger indices, looks quietly buried. It still runs as a trial in 52 districts, two years after the landmark legislation was signed into law. The Centre hasn’t yet begun budgeting for it to expand the maternal health scheme to cover the whole country. While a parallel scheme under...

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Gujarat becomes first Indian state to make voting compulsory in local body polls

-PTI Ahmedabad: Gujarat government issued a notification in Ahmedabad on making voting compulsory for people of the state during elections to local self governing bodies. Incidentally, the bill was introduced when Prime Minister Narendra Modi was Chief Minister of Gujarat. The notification would MEAn that people have to compulsorily vote from now onwards during elections held for municipal corporations, municipalities, and all village panchayats. The Act has also made provisions to penalise those who...

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49% of children out of school are SC/STs, 25% are Muslims: Survey -Chethan Kumar

-The Times of India BENGALURU: A Union government-backed survey has revealed a disturbing trend: in the six years since the Right to Education Act, around 60 lakh children between ages six and 13 years remain unschooled in the country. While children from Scheduled Castes and Tribes form 49% (29.73 lakh) of the deprived kids, those from Other Backward Classes constitute 36%, which shows RTE has brought little change in the lives of...

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Waste not, by Providing for the Needy -Neetole Mitra

-Tehelka A Delhi-based NGO combines innovation with common sense to provide thousands of hungry people with food which otherwise goes waste Events are often organised based on an underlying theme of abundance. Maybe because of this, extravaganzas always come with a sense of guilt which arises from wasting resources in a world where many die due to scarcity. For those of you who want to enjoy the evening without that burden, simply...

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