European scientists cast doubt on whether oil alternatives can ever be sustainably produced in significant quantities. Scientists at the European commission have cast doubt on whether biofuels could ever be produced sustainably in significant quantities, dealing a blow to the aviation industry, which sees such fuel as a key way to reduce its emissions. The researchers argue that the greenhouse gases emitted in making biofuel may well negate most of...
The cLIMate denial industry seeks to dupe the public. It’s working by George Monbiot
Think environmentalists are stooges? You’re the unwitting recruit of a hugely powerful oil lobby. The evidence of man-made global warming is unequivocal People behind cLIMate denial campaigns know that their claims are untrue When you survey the trail of wreckage left by the cLIMate emails crisis, three things become clear. The first is the tendency of those who claim to be the champions of cLIMate science to minimise their importance. Those who...
More »Lure of govt contracts by MJ Antony
While the state has to act transparently in awarding tenders, it has more elbow room in the matter Though the government is not perceived as a good business partner, yet its contracts are attractive on many counts. There is more elbow room for making profit. Therefore, agreements for infrastructure and services are coveted. Many of them, however, land in the court because the government has much more leeway in the selection...
More »Privatisation of Judiciary! by K G Somasekharan Nair
The increase in the number of civil cases in a country is its social mascot, as it symbolises the abundance of law abiding civilised citizens accepting the authority of the judiciary to get their grievances redressed. Otherwise, they would have turned to self-retaliation or employed roughnecks, a usual practice in America and Britain enkindled by their criminal heritage, to enforce justice in their own way; hence all civil litigants may...
More »Copenhagen: Time out by NK Singh
The Copenhagen summit on global warming and cLIMate change has commenced. Instead of a leadership role, we will now be playing a followers’ role. We fell behind the emerging consensus curve. We held on for too long to outmoded positions of merely harping on per capita emission and common-differentiated obligation while disregarding many other significant factors. The recent decision of China, announcing a 40 per cent cut in its energy...
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