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Simple & cheap solution to India's grave water crisis: Waste water recycling-Sanjay Vijayakumar

-The Economic Times Where will India get its water from in the coming years? The water challenge is already grave and could get graver. By 2050, for instance, it is estimated that demand would go up to 1,180 million cubic metres, 1.65 times the current levels, a situation that would be made worse by fast dwindling fresh water resources. That's why desalination — removing salt from seawater to make fresh water —...

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Foodgrain output projected to decline by 10 per cent: Pawar

-PTI India's foodgrains production is projected to decline by 10 per cent in the kharif season of this year at 117.18 million tonnes due to deficient monsoon and drought in some states. However, the government expects to make up for the decline in output during the Rabi season (winter sown crop). Foodgrain output stood at 129.94 million tonnes (MT)in last year's Kharif season. The production of rice - a major Kharif crop -...

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UN food agency highlights progress in Swaziland agricultural initiative

-The United Nations Swaziland’s farmers are beginning to reap the benefits of a UN-backed five-year programme aimed at reversing the country’s declining agricultural productivity, the United Nations food agency declared today. In a media statement, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) announced that its Swaziland Agricultural Development Project, or SADP, had already begun to have an impact on the lives of the country’s smallholder farmers through a number of training initiatives...

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Strengthening SME sector will open up a new strategy of broad-based, fast growth -Devaki Jain & Deepshikha Batheja

-The Economic Times "Are we knowledge-proof?" asked the late Prof Raj Krishna. As memorable as his other coinage, the Hindu rate of growth, this question is relevant, given our current growth strategy. The SME sector is a vibrant part of the economy, accounting for 40% of manufacturing and generating jobson a scale second only to agriculture. The figures are similarly significant for handicrafts and handlooms. According to the Tenth Plan, GDP from handicrafts...

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FDI in retail: Foreign retailers in India will be first to start stores, says KPMG-Writankar Mukherjee

-The Economic Times Foreign multi-brand retailers present in India through cash-and-carry route are expected to roll out consumer facing formats in the short to medium term, a research paper by consultancy firm KPMG said. The paper said most of the foreign retailers will undertake changes in their cash-and-carry arrangement with their Indian partners. However, single brand retailers would significantly invest in India in the next 12-18 months due to 100% ownership which...

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