Justice Asok Kumar Ganguly,who was part of the two-judge Supreme Court bench that delivered the 2G verdict on Thursday, has written the following article in response to The Telegraph report on Saturday that had quoted former Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee. The former Speaker has since said The Telegraph report had given rise to a wrong impression and his comments were strictly confined to policy, not executive decisions. “What I...
Rainy Days by Arti Sharma
Central pension plan NPS finally gets a boost The ‘New’ NPS Measure: Improve incentives for distributors. Has been recently implemented. Impact: Was required. But won’t be enough, need consumer education to build volumes. Proposal: Increase fund management fees with an option to lower later. Impact: Under consideration. But finance ministry unhappy with increase in costs. Proposal: Relax the norms to appoint more fund managers to increase distribution. Impact: Unlikely. At...
More »Bengal babus to lose right to strike?
-The Times of India It will be illegal for government employees in the state to go on strike or hold rallies if chief minister Mamata Banerjee has her way. In a decision that has sent ripples down both camps, the government wants to take away the employees ' right to association, leave aside strike, that the Left Front government had bestowed upon them. The bold step - once approved by the Cabinet -...
More »Unpalatable truths by TK Rakalakshmi
The hunger and malnutrition situation in the country has shown marginal improvement, according to the HUNGaMA report. ONE area that has always bothered policymakers in a growth-obsessed economy is the state of the social sector, in particular figures indicating the numbers of people going hungry or are homeless and children who are out of school, the poor nutritional status of women and children, and the high infant and maternal mortality rates....
More »Big Business Weds Big Media
-Economic and Political Weekly The Reliance/Network18 deal should make us wake up to the impending threat to media plurality. Few are discussing it. India has just seen one of the biggest media deals, where the country’s leading industrial and business giant has bought into the largest network of news and current affairs TV channels. Yet, the fact that this could mark the beginning of a trend leading to private media being controlled...
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