-The Hindu Business Line Though costs are down, prices are holding up on good demand for this protein source Egg prices in major Indian cities, which spiralled to ₹400 (per 100 eggs) in December last year, had moderated sharply in the first four months of 2015. But data from the National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC) shows that they have taken off again in the last three months — rising from ₹270-280 in April...
Indian Metereologists Can't Figure Why Monsoon Is Defying El Nino -Jacob Koshy
-Huffington Post NEW DELHI - A searing El Nino was to have sucked the rains out of India, but meteorologists here can't explain why is it raining so much. Rains in north-west India are, as of 21st July, eight percent more than what the region usually gets between June 1 --the onset of the monsoon--and late July. Moreover the latest forecast from both state and private meteorologists is that beginning this week,...
More »Atal Pension Yojana: Guaranteed, but low pension -Anand Kalyanaraman
-The Hindu Business Line The Atal Pension Yojana is intended as a safety net for workers in the informal sector The Atal Pension Yojana (APY), like the National Pension System (NPS), seeks to provide monthly pension to subscribers from the age of 60. While the APY is open to all citizens of India between 18-40 years, it is focussed on workers in the unorganised sector. Guaranteed pension The scheme has been tailored to make it...
More »Study: Food price spikes linked with rising malnutrition among Indian children
-Financial Express It focused on the effect of food prices on child nutrition in the Andhra Pradesh, one of India’s largest states, using data from the Young Lives project based at Oxford University An international study, conducted by researchers from the Public Health Foundation of India and the University of Oxford, with a team from Stanford University and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, says spikes in food prices during...
More »Landlessness is higher among Dalits but more adivasis are ‘deprived’ -Harish Damodaran
-The Indian Express The SECC has identified 14 parameters of exclusion. Fulfilling even one of them would result in a household being treated as non-deprived. Adivasis or Scheduled Tribes are the most deprived among rural households in India, despite their suffering much lower levels of landlessness and dependence on manual casual labour compared to the Dalits or Scheduled Castes. According to the results of the Socio Economic and Caste Census 2011, nearly...
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