-The Indian Express The National Sample Survey has found that the poorest 10 per cent of India’s urban population lives on Rs 23.40 per day while their rural counterparts make do with even less at Rs 16.78. “The poorest 10 per cent of India’s rural population had an average monthly per capita expenditure (MPCE) of Rs 503.49 per month,” the survey found. In the last round of the NSS for 2009-10, the...
Food security is a basic right-Brinda Karat
-The Times of India The present food Bill legalises the injustices of a targeted distribution system A national campaign throughout the month of July on issues related to food security and against rising prices will culminate in a five-day sit-in protest in Delhi beginning today. These are issues fundamental to the well-being of the majority of our people and therefore deserve national support. With the spectre of drought haunting the countryside, speculators, hoarders...
More »India: food, marketing and children's health-Oliver Balch
-The Guardian Higher disposable incomes, changing consumption patterns and the marketing might of powerful western brands are bringing fast food to India's children The camera pans in. The grins of smiling school children fill the frame. An enthusiastic teacher, played by a famous Bollywood actress, sits in the centre. The scene is a "remote picturesque setting". And all are munching happily on Domino's Pizza. The advert is typical of the marketing bombardment...
More »An unproductive idea-Milind Murugkar
-The Hindustan Times Recently, at a rally of gram panchayat chiefs, agriculture minister Sharad Pawar told the audience, “Improving the well-being of farmers is difficult unless agriculture sheds some of its population. At least one member from the farmer’s family should seek livelihood opportunities outside agriculture.” He has often made this appeal to farmers in Maharashtra, pointing out how rich industrial countries have a small proportion of their labour force in...
More »Demand, not supply
-The Business Standard MGNREGA review should be based on more research Both acclaim and accusations have been hurled at the UPA’s landmark scheme, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee programme, or MGNREGA. Usually, the reasons for the criticism or praise are less-than-completely supported. For example, it has been both praised and condemned for providing local wage employment to the jobless, thus curbing outmigration; similarly, it is claimed that the scheme has...
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