“Huge subsidy on chemical fertilisers unmindful, useless” Small and marginal farmers have raised the demand for special allocation for organic farming and ecological fertilisation in the forthcoming budget, which finance minister Pranab Mukherjee will present on March 16. According to them, chemical fertilisers, the subsidy for which is likely to touch Rs 1 lakh crore in 2011-12, are not benefitting the soil and are burdening them with high-cost cultivation instead. “The government...
Ramesh wants to sidestep food security Bill categories by Liz Mathew
Rural development minister Jairam Ramesh wants to sidestep categories proposed under the food security law to make sure that the welfare impact of the legislation isn’t nullified because a count that’s central to it hasn’t been completed across large parts of the nation. Ramesh wants 25kg of foodgrain given every month to 75% of the rural poor and 50% of the urban poor at subsidized rates. The National Food Security Bill, which...
More »Government must pay for healthcare at point of use: WHO expert by Sonal Matharu
India looks to reduce out-of-pocket expenditure on health in 12th Plan Ahead of the 12th Five Year Plan, which aims to focus on health, the Union ministry of health and family welfare called a one-day national consultation to deliberate social determinants of health. The outcome would influence health policies for the next Plan period, beginning April. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), social determinants like poor economic status, lower social status,...
More »Soon, tribal corps to fight Reds by Josy Joseph
The central government is finalizing a series of decisions to increase military presence across the Naxal belt in east and central India. Among them is a plan to raise the first Territorial Army battalion comprising local tribals. While sources insisted that the strategy was to increase military presence and no operations were planned, the move could deny many local advantages enjoyed by the Naxals. With a locals-only 'Home and Hearth' battalion...
More »Women Still Trapped Below Glass Ceiling of Party Politics by Thalif Deen
The right of women to participate in political life is guaranteed by several international conventions, but transforming an abstract right into a reality requires hard work on the ground, says a new study released here. Published jointly by the U.N. Development Programme (UNDP) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI) for International Affairs, the 118-page report points out that although 40 to 50 percent of members of political parties globally are women,...
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