Both Posco and the Orissa government said there were no tribals on the land for Posco’s 12 mn tonne steel plant. The presence of 21 tribals in the voters list has hit their credibility and probably the plant as well A 4-member environment ministry committee has recommended that the environmental clearances given to Posco be revoked for the violation of existing laws, for serious lapses and suppression of facts. As always,...
Throwing off the yoke of manual scavenging by Vidya Subrahmaniam
The obnoxious practice will continue in one form or the other, as long as the government and society treat certain so-called menial jobs as the preserve of one community. On November 1, a unique journey will come to a ceremonious end in Delhi. Earlier this month, five bus loads of men and women headed out from different corners of the country with one slogan on their lips: honour and liberation for...
More »Centre and states labour over NREGA wage fineprint by Seema Chishti
The Centre and states may vie to take credit for the MNREGS, but when it comes to footing the Bill for the job guarantee scheme, the story is different. Asking the Centre to notify new, revised wage rates “at the earliest” is, interestingly, a Congress-ruled state—Rajasthan. It also happens to be the home state of minister for rural development C P Joshi. Rajasthan principal secretary CS Rajan last week sent a letter...
More »Taking on NAC, babu calls for PDS wind-up by Rajeev Deshpande
While the Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council's proposal on enhanced food security hinges on higher procurement and increased reliance on the public distribution system, there is a strong view in the government that overworking a creaking system is a bad idea. In a paper circulated within the government, chief economic adviser to the finance ministry Kaushik Basu has argued that what is needed for food security to work is a reduced...
More »Promoting right to education among priorities for new UN independent expert
The United Nations independent expert on the right to education today outlined his priorities, promising to pay attention to gender equality in education, look into quality with a special focus on improving conditions for teachers, and explore innovative education financing mechanisms. Kishore Singh, who was appointed as UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education by the UN Human Rights Council in June, said he would also look into ways of...
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