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Khursheed: plan for constitutional status won't delay Lokpal Bill

The Union government's desire to give the Lokpal constitutional status will not in any way delay the proposed legislation on the subject, Law Minister Salman Khursheed said on Tuesday. Expressing surprise at the response of the Opposition and Team Anna — that it was a delaying tactic — he said that while the government was totally committed to getting the Bill passed, eventually it was the responsibility of Parliament to...

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‘They are supari killers, jungle mafia' by Ananya Dutta

In the past, Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee had maintained “there are no Maoists in West Bengal” and that the situation in Jangalmahal region in the State was the result of “infighting among the Marxists,” but the Chief Minister on Saturday lashed out at the rebels, without naming them outright, labelling them “supari killers,” “jungle mafia” and “cowardly goons hiding in the forests.” A little over a year ago, at a...

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All by himself, baby lifts population by 1% by Tapas Chakraborty

A couple from an Andaman tribe with just 100 members left have had a baby, sending their island hamlet into raptures and delighting anthropologists worried about the group’s extinction. The Onge baby boy born earlier this week to Shri Santosh, 28, and Reetai, 26, is doing fine, officials in the Andamans’ welfare department said today. “Both the mother and child are in good health. With the birth, the Onge population is now...

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Anti-nuclear protests in Tamil Nadu gather strength by Vidya Padmanabhan

L. Devasagayam moved into the tsunami resettlement quarters in the village of Idinthakarai on the coast in the far south of Tamil Nadu after his neighbourhood further south was destroyed in the 2004 calamity. But now, he worries that the colourful home that he gratefully accepted after that disaster could be his undoing. The reason for the fear confronts him when he steps out of his house. Clearly visible at a...

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Focus on the causes of the gender gap, rather than on the outcomes

-The Economic Times   When it comes to Indian women, the picture is largely unchanged; depressingly so, going by the World Development Report 2012, released by the Bank on Wednesday. The latest report focusing on Gender Equality and Development makes dismal reading. No doubt the lot of women in India has improved over the years but not commensurately with the progress made by their country. As a result, women today might be better...

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