Thousands of undergraduate women students of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) may finally be able to Access the university library — after a struggle spanning several decades. While students enrolled in professional courses are allowed to use the resources of the Maulana Azad Library (MAL), which is one of the best libraries in the country, those in non-professional courses can’t go past the MAL gates. Union HRD Minister Kabil Sibal on Wednesday assured...
Uncle dictates, cyber boys dispose
-The Telegraph Social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Google have refused to buckle under pressure from the Indian government to take down content that telecom minister Kapil Sibal and the babus on Raisina Hill find objectionable. Sibal told reporters the government wanted the Big Boys of Cyberspace to remove “abusive” comments and images that could ignite a tinderbox of passions in the country but they had refused to do so...
More »India wanted 358 items removed by Priscilla Jebaraj
India is one of only four countries which, during the first half of 2011, requested Google to remove content on the basis that it was critical of the government. Google refused to comply. The other countries were Thailand and Turkey -- where Google restricted local users from Accessing the offending content -- and the United States, where it refused. According to Google's Transparency Report for January to June 2011, the Internet...
More »The fine line when online
-The Hindustan Times With great power comes great freedom. Which, in turn, calls for being responsible. The act to do things freely is one of the fundamental joys of being part of a liberal democracy. With powerful technological platforms and social networking sites such as Facebook, even repressed societies get to savour unfettered expression. But there is a flip side to such a freedom. And this involves the need to respect the...
More »What the EXPLOSIVE Kandhamal tribunal report says by Vicky Nanjappa
A report of the National People's Tribunal on the 2008 riots in Kandhamal, Orissa, is out. The report that runs into 197 pages points out that the brutality of the violence falls within the definition of 'torture' under international law, particularly the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. According to the tribunal, headed by Justice A P Shah, communal forces used religious conversions as an issue for political mobilisation...
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