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Scientists mull ways to raise pulse production by Lalit Mohan

With pulses going off the menu of poor people in the country, scientists from across the country gathered at Palampur Agriculture University (PAU) to mull over the issue. About 250 scientists deliberated on the steps that could be taken to increase the yield of major kharif pulse crops in the country in a three-day conference held in the university. While addressing the scientists in the conference, Tej Partap, Vice-Chancellor, said several...

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Modi to release atlas on food security today

The Institute for Human Development (IHD) & UN World Food Programme (WFP) have jointly prepared a `Food Security Atlas of Rural Bihar'. The first-ever atlas, prepared under the guidance of a Technical Advisory Committee chaired by Planning Commission member Prof Abhijit Sen, has analysed and depicted the food security situation in various districts of the state. It has identified regions in the state that require priority attention for improving food...

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The plight of the peasant by AK Shiva Kumar

The glitter of growth has added little sparkle to the lives of many peasants and rural workers. Deprivation, discrimination, and disadvantage dominate the everyday lives of large sections in rural Andhra Pradesh, an important new study*finds.  Village studies highlight features of society that are often overlooked and overshadowed by macro-studies of the economy. A recent study presents extraordinarily rich, unusually detailed and intensely disturbing data on agrarian relations, livelihoods, economic...

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Food Security Bill not likely soon by Sindhu Bhattacharya

The Food Security Bill is unlikely to see the light of the day this fiscal. According to agriculture minister Sharad Pawar, though the UPA government is committed to providing food security to all, the below poverty line (BPL) math and elaborate procedure required to draft this law will take another 8-10 months. Speaking in the capital on Thursday, Pawar said: “The procedure involves incorporation of statistics from Planning Commission about BPL...

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Peasants in India by D Bandyopadhyay

In India peasantry is under assault. There is a five-pronged attack on this class and the mighty Indian state is sometimes an active and sometimes a passive abettor. The first point of attack is from the corporate sector. The corporate sector is in a land grab mode. Though not justified, one could understand their urge to get land for industry and real estate purposes. Not that they are causing aggressive...

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