Total Matching Records found : 5671

Record wheat output likely, Centre upbeat by Gargi Parsai

With expectations of a record wheat production this year (2009-10), the Union government is upbeat about providing food grains to the Below Poverty Line (BPL) families on a sustained basis under the proposed National Food Security Bill. “Despite the drought caused by (-) 23 per cent rainfall during the kharif season this year, farmers have maintained a production of 170.29 million tonnes of rice and wheat… which calls for satisfaction. With...

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Seed makers move court against AP order on Bt cottonseed price

Mahyco-Monsanto challenges State's move on royalty fee.  “In the last one decade, the cost of seeds for several crops has gone up by more than 400 per cent.” The National Seeds Association of India (NSAI) has filed a petition in the Andhra Pradesh High Court challenging the State Government order that fixed the maximum sale price (MSP) of Bt cottonseed at last year's levels, even as several farmers' organisations and non-governmental...

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Mismanaging food

Bizarre are the ways of the government when it comes to managing, or mismanaging, the country’s food economy. On the one hand, it goes on mopping up bulk of the wheat and rice arriving in the mandis to build up its grain stocks, clearly to prevent foodgrain prices from falling below the minimum support price (MSP) level. On the other hand, it plans to offload 3 million tonnes of wheat...

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LatAm could contribute to India's food security by Huma Siddiqui

India should look at Latin American countries to keep its food security intact. With little or no investment in the agriculture sector,it is estimated that 45% of Indian farmers want to quit farming—supply-side constraints have been a major causeforconcern. Add to that rapidly falling water tables in North India – India’s bread basket, and erratic monsoons from climate change leading to domestic food output falling short of demand, repeatedlyinthefuture. Talking...

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In India, Sometimes News Is Just a Product Placement by Akash Kapur

A businessman I know was approached by representatives of a leading Indian national newspaper and offered a deal: Give us a stake in your company, and we’ll give you advertising space and favorable editorial coverage. A publisher told me that she received a similar proposition: Pay us, and we’ll interview your authors and write features about them. Sushma Swaraj, the parliamentary leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party, has said that...

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