Sweeping changes in the rules to enforce the law governing foreign contributions can make it easier for the government to put advocacy groups on a tight leash. Easily branded as having a political nature, they will have to run to the home ministry every time they want to receive foreign funds. The rules drafted by the ministry cover NGOs that comment on “political activities” and “habitually” employ common methods of political...
Bloggers call content regulation a gag on freedom by Srividya Iyer
A proposed government move to regulate content on blogs has ignited a fiRestorm of protest from the blogging community which is accusing the government of Restricting free speech and acting like the guardians of a police state. At the heart of the issue is the Indian IT Act which was amended in 2008 to incorporate the much-needed changes to clarify the legal position of intermediaries or those who provide web-hosting...
More »Cabinet okays RTS Act & food scheme
The state cabinet which met here on Tuesday approved the Right to Service (RTS) Act and the Chief Minister Food Security Scheme (CMFSS). According to sources in the state cabinet, the RTS Act enables a citizen right to service within a stipulated period taking away the right of the government employees to sit on files related to services of the citizens. The sources said under the Mukhyamantri Khadya Suraksha Yojana i.e. CMFSS,...
More »Antibiotic challenges, dilemmas, policies by KS Jacob
India faces the challenge of inappropriate use of antibiotics while Bharat copes with poor access to treatment, resulting in a policy conundrum and inaction. India was recently in the news for the wrong reasons. The serious threat posed by the newly discovered microbe, NDM-1 (New Delhi metallo--lactamase-1), resistant to many antibiotics, triggered alarm and panic. Predictions that the country will not meet the millennium development goal for child mortality caused dismay....
More »Social audit reveals instances of corruption by Asha P Nair
A ward member in Vilappil panchayat in Thiruvananthapuram was allegedly gifted a gold bangle by the women engaged in National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) in her ward. A male member in one of the adjacent wards received gifts ranging from a gold ring to footwear. All as thanksgiving for work offered to the women under NREGS. This is just one of the many shocking revelation s which were revealed in...
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