The obnoxious practice will continue in one form or the other, as long as the government and society treat certain so-called menial jobs as the preserve of one community. On November 1, a unique journey will come to a ceremonious end in Delhi. Earlier this month, five bus loads of men and women headed out from different corners of the country with one slogan on their lips: honour and liberation for...
Orissa Government to move SC over Khandadhar mines on Oct 29
The state government is likely to file a special leave petition (SLP) in the Supreme Court on October 29 Challenging the judgement of the Orissa High Court to set aside recommendation of prospecting license (PL) in favour of Posco . As per section 11 (5) of Mining and Minerals Development and Regulation (MMDR) Act, the state government will urge the Apex court to lease out Khandadhar mines on the basis of...
More »The muddle in food security by Himanshu
NAC’s retrograde proposals fall short of creating a meaningful vision of food entitlement in the country The National Advisory Council (NAC) has finally come out with its proposals for the National Food Security Act. After months of deliberations within itself and with various government departments, the proposals will form the basis of the Act to be introduced in Parliament. However, a quick perusal of the proposals suggests that not only has NAC...
More »In the shadow of abuse, exploitation by Cordelia Jenkins & Malia Politzer
Bardani Logun sits on a plastic chair in the communal room of a hostel in Rohini, north Delhi, where she lives with her toddler, and speaks candidly about being beaten, abused and starved. She is one of countless young women from the tribal belt of India who have migrated to Delhi to find work as live-in maids, hoping to send their earnings back home to support impoverished families in Jharkhand, Orissa,...
More »RTE hits roadblock as civic bodies look the other way by Maroosha Muzaffar
The Directorate of Education (DoE) is having a tough time implementing the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act in Delhi with the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) and the New Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) refusing to hand over their schools to the Delhi government. The DoE had asked both civic bodies to either upgrade their schools to Class VIII or hand them over to the department,...
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