-The Times of India GUWAHATI: Nicky Tahbildar, a school boy from Assam, has drawn attention by making a science model aimed at enhancing agricultural productivity by providing timely water supply just by dialing a cellphone. Nicky has been selected for a state-level competition of the 'Inspire' award scheme under the department of science and technology, from Sonitpur district recently. "Very often we see that Farmers have to walk miles to reach their...
India's farm subsidy well below WTO cap of 10%: Official
-PTI NEW DELHI: India's farm subsidies are well below the WTO's cap of 10 per cent and the developed world should move ahead with finding a permanent solution for stock piling of grains for food security purposes, an official said. According to a WTO filing, India has given a total farm subsidy of $56 billion, of which trade distorting subsidy amounts to only $13.8 billion for 23 commodities, including rice and wheat. Explaining...
More »Rice subsidy legroom may be the reason behind India's hard stand at World Trade Organisation -Dilasha Seth
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: The risk of losing room to raise the minimum support price for rice possibly prompted India's hard stand at the WTO in July, which led to the collapse of trade talks. The farm subsidy notification made by India at the WTO earlier this week shows that the subsidy to rice risks exceeding the WTO permissible limit. If there is no relief on the procurement issue, the government...
More »Farmer in distress -Bharat Jhunjhunwala
-The Statesman Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed anguish over suicides by Farmers, whose condition has not improved despite the high rate of economic growth. The reason for this distressing state of affairs is that economic policies are badly crafted. The primary effort of the Government has been to increase agricultural production. The price factor is not taken into consideration, the perception being that the Farmer will be better off...
More »Farmers adopting light trap tech to prevent pest attack
-The Pioneer Raipur: A large number of Farmers in Chhattisgarh have started adopting the light trap technique for prevention of pest attack on crops. The light trap consists of 100-200 Watt bulb that attracts the pests. The crop damaging pests come near the bulb and fall in the box kept below, and get collected into the bag or container attached to the box. Light Trap works on power supply. Nowadays Solar light...
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