The oldest and most common dig against organic agriculture is that it cannot feed the world’s citizens; this, however, is a supposition, not a fact. And industrial agriculture isn’t working perfectly, either: the global food price index is at a record high, and our agricultural system is wreaking havoc with the health not only of humans but of the earth. There are around a billion undernourished people; we can also...
In farmer's name by R Ramakumar
The policy is to promote specific high-value segments within agriculture, where corporate houses have major profit interests. A COMMON compliment that Pranab Mukherjee's Union Budget for 2011-12 received from the media was its proclaimed “friendliness” to agriculture and rural areas. It was not just the media; members of India Inc. welcomed the Budget as “focussed” on agriculture. However, a close look at the Budget estimates reveals a different picture. Public...
More »The Case for Direct Cash Transfers by Rupa Subramanya Dehejia
Would you rather buy a necessity like kerosene or food grains at a subsidy or receive an equivalent amount of cash instead? Would you prefer that the government decides your consumption pattern rather than figuring out on your own how to spend your income? One of the “big ticket” reform items in the budget was the announcement that subsidies on kerosene, fertilizers and Liquefied Petroleum Gas and delivery through the Public...
More »Persons with disability stage protest by Aloysius Xavier Lopez
They demand comprehensive law which recognises all rights of persons with disabilities A group of persons with disability staged a demonstration here on Wednesday demanding a comprehensive law which recognises all rights of persons with disabilities. They also boycotted the State-level consultation on the working draft for new legislation for Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2011, organised by the National Institute of Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities and the...
More »New Rules May Make Online Censorship Easier In India by John Ribeiro
Draft rules proposed by the Indian government for intermediaries such as telecommunications companies, Internet service providers and blogging sites could in effect aid censorship, according to experts. Under the draft rules, intermediaries will have to notify users of their services not to use, display, upload, publish, share or store a variety of content, for which the definition is very vague, and liable to misuse. Content that is prohibited under these guidelines ranges...
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