-Medianama.com Twitter has complied with government requests to censor 52 tweets that mostly criticised India’s handling of the second surge of the COVID-19 pandemic. These tweets, which are now inaccessible to Indian users of the social media website, include posts by Revanth Reddy, a sitting Member of Parliament; Moloy Ghatak, a West Bengal state minister; actor Vineet Kumar Singh; and two filmmakers, Vinod Kapri and Avinash Das. MediaNama has seen public disclosures...
‘The Population Myth’ review: Not a ‘demographic’ battle -A Faizur Rahman
-The Hindu With logic, and data from unimpeachable sources, former chief election commissioner S.Y. Quraishi’s book debunks the myth around exaggerated fears of Indian Muslim numbers An impartial analysis of Islamophobia in India would reveal that what generated it was not Islam but a sense of political insecurity born out of exaggerated fears of Muslim numbers. These anxieties came to the fore in the early 1900s after the partition of Bengal, the...
More »Delhi, UP, Gujarat, Haryana oxygen demand outstrips supply; PM Modi holds crisis meeting -Harikishan Sharma , Deeptiman Tiwary and Kaunain Sheriff M
-The Indian Express Records show, the demand for medical oxygen has increased by 18 per cent over the last six days across 12 states, which account for 83 per cent of active cases in the country. With four of the states worst hit by Covid battling a critical shortfall between demand and supply of oxygen in their hospitals, Prime Minister Narendra Modi told officials during a high-level meeting Thursday to ramp up...
More »Kerala, now a surplus medical oxygen producer, gauged requirement in March last year itself -Rajesh Abraham
-The New Indian Express The state produces 204.75 tonnes per day of medical oxygen. Out of this, 35 tonnes per day is used for Covid case and another 45 tonnes per day by non-Covid care units. KOCHI: On Sunday, Goa Health Minister Vishwajit Rane took to Twitter to thank his Kerala counterpart KK Shailaja. "I extend my gratitude to (Smt.) @shailajateacher (Madam, Hon) Health Minister of Kerala for helping us with the...
More »Collections at small finance banks feel the heat of covid -Gopika Gopakumar
-Livemint.com Localized lockdowns and rising covid cases among collection agents hamper loan recoveries Small finance banks are beginning to feel the heat of localized lockdowns and the advancing pandemic wave, as the virus spreads to India’s small towns and hinterland. However, they are better prepared this time, after last year’s severe setback. “The disease is spreading much faster, especially in smaller towns. Rural customers are, however, less impacted. There have been some delays...
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