-IANS Activists continued to protest outside Tamil Nadu's Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KNPP) Friday, preventing employees of the plant from going inside to work. For the past six days, 106 people have been on fast demanding Scrapping of the nuclear power project. The relay fast is being held at Idinthakarai village near Kudankulam in the district, around 650 km from here. Villagers have surrounded all the entry points to KNPP. Around 25 employees, forming...
RTI should not affect govt work, says PM
-The Times of India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday endorsed the concerns of his ministerial colleagues over Right To Information (RTI), saying the transparency enabler should not adversely affect deliberations in the government and deter honest officials from expressing their views on file. While hailing RTI's extensive use and underlining his government's intent to strengthen the law, the PM said there was a need to strike a fine balance between the...
More »Bengal coal import test by Srikumar Bondyopadhyay
The power position in Bengal improved today but alarm bells are ringing over imported coal stocks that are running out fast. “The stock of imported coal will exhaust by the end of this month,” said Krishna Gupta, the managing director of the West Bengal Power Development Corporation Ltd (WBPDCL), the largest electricity supplier in the state. The corporation had last year imported 1.2 million tonnes of coal from Indonesia. “We will come up...
More »No compromise on safety at N-plant: PM by Liz Mathew
With activists and locals intensifying their agitation against the Koodankulam nuclear power project in Tamil Nadu, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday said all safety precautions will be taken while executing the project but also stressed on its importance for the state given its growing power needs. “The government fully shares the concerns of the people of the area and will take all steps to allay their fears. The government will...
More »Earthquake in Sikkim: Natural Calamity and Potential Manmade Disaster by JJ Roy Burman
On September 18 an earthquake of the magnitude of 6.8 by the Richter scale struck Sikkim at about 6.18 pm The epicentre of the quake was located about 67 kms north-west of Gangtok—the State capital. The epicenter was located to be precise at Mangan, the headquarter, of the Sikkim North district. There were about four-to-five aftershocks of lesser intensity within five-to-six hours. Minor tremors were felt even after a few...
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