-The Times of India Anticipating what farmers support could mean to Samajwadi Party in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, the Akhilesh government doled out sops worth Rs 5,432.37 crore for agriculture and allied activities to benefit the group. Chief minister Akhilesh Yadav also reiterated his government's commitment to scrap the old land acquisition policy and come up with a farmer friendly version soon. Stating that loans were a stress that haunted a...
More cases of 'wilful' default on bank loans by farmers
-Reuters SUPALI: Two years ago, Vilas Yelmar took out a 200,000 rupee ($3,610) bank loan to develop a small grape orchard in a dusty hamlet southeast of Mumbai. The bank has repeatedly asked for the loan to be repaid, but Yelmar, whose annual income has risen to 2 million rupees, has spent the money on a new sport utility vehicle and a lavish family wedding. He is one of an increasing number...
More »Why drought reigns eternal-Sunita Narain
It is mostly caused by deliberate neglect and designed failure of the way we manage water and land It’s drought time again. Nothing new in this announcement. Each year, first we have crippling droughts between December and June, and then devastating floods in the next few months. It’s a cycle of despair, which is more or less predictable. But this is not an inevitable cycle of nature we must live...
More »Mind The Crease-Lola Nayar
Pawar’s Report Card The Negatives Per capita availability of cereals and pulses has fallen in last eight years No improvement in irrigation, 60% of agriculture still dependent on monsoons Farmers growing cereals, Sugarcane, oilseeds and pulses assured higher MSP, but majority don't benefit Production up, but not productivity. Farmer suicides are on the rise. Poor market advisory on exports being misused to buy cheaply from farmers and make profits overseas Pawar...
More »Remnants of a hungry tide-Sangeeta Barooah Pisharoty
Clinging on to their cultural moorings are monks from Assam's Majuli islands who were forced to relocate in the 1970s With land swallowed by the Brahmaputra, many monasteries of Assam's Majuli island were relocated to the mainland in the Seventies. The lives of the monks have never been the same. Indrakanta Mahanta, the head of the Vaishnava sattra (monastery), Bogi Ai, can't remember when somebody last asked him about Majuli. And there...
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