The Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, on Friday reviewed the progress towards financial inclusion by banks in India. Dr Singh was briefed on the efforts being made by banks to reach banking services through information and communication technology based models and banking intermediaries to 73,000 rural habitations having population of over 2000 as per the 2001 census by March 2012. The Prime Minister also reviewed the safety and security measures...
Decentralisation of power key to fighting poverty: Aiyar
Ahead of a UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) review meeting in New York next week, Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar, a nominated member of the Rajya Sabha, Sunday said that decentralisation of power was the key to fighting poverty and hunger. 'The major lacuna in the strategy for MDG is that it ignores the crucial delivery aspect of poverty and hunger eradication. While most countries in the world, developed and developing,...
More »India's urban poor worse off than rural poor: Poverty Allevation Minister (Interview)
The poor in India's cities are in many ways worse off than those in rural areas, says Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation Minister Kumari Selja, pointing out that the urban population is set to double in the next 25 years to over 600 million. 'About 300 million people live in towns and cities underserved by utilities, with inadequate housing and increasingly choking traffic. The condition of the urban poor is by...
More »How right you are, Dr. Singh by P Sainath
When we have policies trample on people's rights, and people go to courts seeking redress, what should the courts do, Prime Minister? Dear Prime Minister, I was delighted to learn that you said, while also “respectfully” ticking off the Supreme Court, that tackling food, rotting grain etc., — are all policy matters. You are absolutely right and it was time somebody said so. With that, you brought a whiff of honesty so...
More »Will smart cards help those living below poverty line? by Binay Singh
`Financial Inclusion' as defined by the committee of financial inclusion is the process of ensuring access to financial services and timely and adequate credit, where needed by vulnerable groups, such as weaker sections and lower income groups at an affordable cost. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has selected Baikunthpur village in Narayanpur block of Mirzapur district to provide banking services to the villagers under its financial inclusion programme. The programme...
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