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delhi can deal with pollution -Kirit Parikh & Jyoti Parikh

-The Indian Express The Aam Aadmi Party’s strategy is a good one for some immediate relief. However, it must initiate action on all the other measures now. delhi has become the most air polluted city in the world. Urgent and effective actions are needed to bring the pollution level down. The cost to the health of delhi citizens far exceeds any cost that some may have to bear to reduce it....

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A diluted Bill -V Venkatesan

-Frontline The Janlokpal Bill passed by the delhi Assembly on December 3 fails to meet the goals of the 2011 anti-corruption movement and is a pale shadow of the 2014 Bill. IT took the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government, which came to power in delhi with a massive mandate in the Assembly elections held in February, 10 months to seek to fulfil one of its key election promises: the passage of...

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Men stay off contraceptives, forcing women into sterilisation -Sushmi Dey

-The Times of India New delhi: India has been attracting severe criticism from the international community for its poor mix of contraceptive methods. This despite India registering the highest contraceptive prevalence rate for sterilisation at 36.9% as compared to other countries with similar demographics. The US trails India recording a 36.3% rate, China follows at 33.2% and Brazil at 34.2%. The huge share of female sterilisation coupled with slow pace in adoption...

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Destruction of the Doha Round

-Economic and Political Weekly India plays a poor hand at the World Trade Organization's negotiations. The idea that there is no longer a sharp divide between the global North and the global South has been disproved in ample measure by the decisions taken last month in Nairobi at the 10th ministerial conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The essence of the final communique is that the 14-year-old Doha “Development” Agenda (DDA)...

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NDC to be scrapped, NITI Aayog council likely to get its powers -Puja Mehra

-The Hindu After the Planning Commission, the Narendra Modi-led government is set to bring down the curtains on another Nehruvian legacy: the National Development Council (NDC). The Cabinet will, in early January, take up its closure and also pass a resolution for transferring its powers to the Governing Council of the NITI Aayog, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. After getting the Cabinet’s approval, Mr. Modi will take up the resolution with the...

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