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Press release--Status of Policing in India Report 2019: Police Adequacy and Working Conditions

-Press release by Common Cause dated 27th August, 2019     New Delhi, August 27, 2019: Common Cause and Lokniti Programme of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), launched the Status of Policing in India Report (SPIR) 2019 on the tough working conditions of the police in India at the India International Centre today. The release was followed by a panel discussion on ‘Indian Police and the Rule of...

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Cooking with gas, not wood -Sangita Vyas & Aashish Gupta

-The Hindu Under the PM Ujjwala Yojana, rural areas that still rely on solid fuel can be encouraged in three ways to use clean fuel When we introduced ourselves to Kishan Kumar Dubey, he remembered that we had visited his home four years ago. Mr. Dubey was a respondent in our study conducted on solid fuel use in 1,550 households between August and December 2018. Wearing glasses, Mr. Dubey sat on his...

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Poor recoveries under IBC can derail Centre's Rs. 70,000-cr recap plan -Radhika Merwin

-The Hindu Business Line Barring few cases, large haircuts of 70-90 per cent are continuing to hurt banks While the Centre’s decision to frontload capital infusion of Rs 70,000 crore into PSBs has boosted sentiment, unless there is quick resolution of large accounts under IBC, this may achieve little. What is of more concern, is the paltry amount that banks have been realising from the resolution of accounts under IBC. A look at...

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Hardly the brick and mortar of a revival -Jayati Ghosh

-The Hindu The transfer of the RBI’s surplus is only a stopgap measure which will not address the key problem of a lack of demand There is no longer any room for doubt on the parlous state of the Indian economy. The automobile industry, seen as a bellwether of activity in the post-liberalisation years, is in crisis, as automakers, parts manufacturers and dealers have laid off about 350,000 workers since April this...

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With stocks piling up, FCI is in deep trouble -Rajalakshmi Nirmal

-The Hindu Business Line Huge losses on procured grains and rising debt are a big concern FCI (Food Corporation of India) is sitting on a mountain of wheat and paddy. In January, the total stock of rice and wheat with FCI was 45.4 million tonnes. This increased to 46.3 million tonnes by April and touched 62.2 million tonnes in May. In July, the stock increased further to 74.2 million which was significantly...

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