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Why Haryana ranks fifth in the Commonwealth by Mukesh Bhardwaj

If Haryana were a country, it would be fifth on the gold medal winners’ list at Delhi 2010 — after Australia, England, Canada and India-minus-Haryana. Fifteen of India’s 38 gold at the Commonwealth Games — nearly 40 per cent of the country’s best-ever haul — have been won by athletes from Haryana. For perspective, Haryana has 2 per cent of the country’s population and occupies 1.37 per cent of its land...

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Parliamentary panel may oppose GM food by Saubhadra Chatterji

Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh's crusade against genetically modified or Bt food will get a political fillip as well. Parliament's Standing Committee on Agriculture, currently studying the pros and cons of allowing Bt brinjals or other genetically modified foods, is likely to oppose these on various grounds. The parliamentary panel will give its report during the monsoon session. After holding meetings with various interest groups, the members feel it will not be...

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Wage row

This is with reference to the report “Centre to step in Rajasthan MNREGS wage row” (Oct. 10) which cites the Union Rural Development Ministry Secretary Mr. B.K. Sinha as stating that the State Government of Rajasthan will have to pay the prescribed wage rate under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act/Scheme (MGNREGA) to workers under MGNREGA. This has not communicated the Union Secretary's point of view correctly. The...

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Govt May Regulate MFIs

Taking a serious note on the suicides due to the purported harassment or embarrassment caused by the collection agents of Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs), Minister for Rural Development, IKP, Pensions, NREGP and Self-Help Groups, Vatti Vasanth Kumar stated that the government was contemplating making an Act to streamline the operations of MFIs in AP. Talking to media persons in the New Delhi, the minister said that the government would frame rules and...

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Delay as stratagem by MJ Antony

When the revenue departments sleep over cases they had lost in the courts and do not appeal for long, it is difficult to tell whether it is just red tape or something else. Their lethargy causes losses to the government and gains to tax dodgers. The new chief justice of India (CJI) started his stint in the Supreme Court a few months ago with a strict code for the indolent babus....

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