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Reforming agriculture: time for the next green revolution? -Shujaul Rehman

-The Hindu Business Line How ‘Protected Cultivation' can help prevent crop damage due to national disasters While the first green revolution managed to make the nation self sufficient the next round of reforms certainly needs to address the problems faced by today's Farmers. According to statistics available on Indian Council of Agricultural Research, India reaped a record foodgrain production of 259.32 million tonnes (mt) in 2011-12. However, the output fell to 257.13...

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Delhi: Najeeb Jung gives Farmers option to sell their produce outside mandis New Delhi: Farmers henceforth will have the liberty to sell their produce directly to the end buyer. In a significant step to curb inflation and check hoarding Delhi government has delisted fruit and vegetables from Azadpur, Keshopur and Shahdara Agriculture Produce Marketing Committees (APMC). "The sale and purchase of fruit and vegetables in the existing market yards and sub yards shall be regulated and in rest of Delhi, it will not...

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Farmers’ Suicides in India, 1995-2012: Measurement and interpretation -Srijit Mishra

-LSE Asia Research Centre Background: Farmers' suicides have become an important socio-economic concern in India that has profound implication on the quality of life of Farmers and their families. There are not many epidemiological studies on this. We propose to estimate suicide rates for Farmers and non-Farmers across the states of India and over time. We will also contextualise our results to the discourse on agricultural technology and development in general...

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Redrawing a state in India drives land prices to the sky -Nida Najar

-The New York Times AGIRIPALLI: In this belt of villages near the fertile Krishna River delta, much is as it has been for generations: The cotton soil is as black, the mango trees as heavy with fruit, the tobacco fields as fragrant and deeply green as ever. But there have been curious changes in recent months. An old temple has received an expensive renovation, complete with a new banquet hall, courtesy of...

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Doing the Needful for Farmers -Rajitha S

-The New Indian Express HYDERABAD: Shortage of seeds, high prices set by dealers and middle men, lack of enough quantity of seeds, and lack of money - are all factors that contribute to lack of seeds, which means lack of crop for thousands of Farmers across Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. In an attempt to better this situation, Rythu Bandhu magazine, Hyderabad-based Telugu magazine that works for the empowerment of Farmers, in...

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