Total Matching Records found : 13539

Haldiram's unfit for consumption, says US FDA

-DNA The maggi controversy has brought other food products under the scanner of food safety inspectors, not only in India but abroad as well. The maggi controversy has brought other food products under the scanner of food safety inspectors, not only in India but abroad as well. United States food safety inspectors have labelled hundreds of made-in-India snacks unfit for sale in America, according to Wall Street Journal. The US FDA reportedly found...

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The Importance of Being 'Rurban': Tracking Changes in a Traditional Setting -Dipankar Gupta

-Economic and Political Weekly A categorical distinction is facing rough weather--that between urban and rural. If we take just agriculture, there is so much of the outside world that comes in not just as external markets but as external inputs. Further, many of our villages barely qualify as rural if we were to take occupation alone. So the earlier line that separated the farmer from the worker in towns is slowly...

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Have we asked the children? -Nandana Reddy

-The Hindu The child’s ‘right to be heard’ has been validated by a UN Convention. It’s time to let children decide when and what kind of labour is right. The debate over children working has been raging for centuries, with policies constantly changing to reflect the attitudes of a given time. During the World Wars, children were allowed to work as they were needed in factories and other services. When the soldiers...

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Better-off ladies get hostel gate pass -Ananya Sengupta

-The Telegraph New Delhi: Working women from the higher-income groups are now eligible to stay at government hostels, with income ceiling for applicants raised from Rs 30,000 a month to Rs 50,000 in urban areas and from Rs 25,000 to Rs 35,000 in rural areas. But with vacancies hard to come by and an unwritten rule favouring the less well-off between any two applicants, women with higher salaries may have to wait...

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‘One in five child labourers is from Uttar Pradesh’

-PTI Kolkata: With child labour decreasing at a dismal rate of only 2.2 per cent per year, it would take more than a century to end the menace, a report said on Thursday. An analysis of census data by non-governmental organisation CRY (Child Rights and You) has revealed that child labour has been decreasing at a mere 2.2 per cent per year over the last decade, contrary to popular perception of its...

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