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Maharashtra PLAns Bill on land titling -Sanjay Jog

-Business Standard Hopes titling of land to create confidence among land owners Mumbai: Maharashtra is in the midst of formulating a land title Bill, to minimise property disputes. This comes in the wake of the legislative Assembly in Rajasthan passing (last week) a legislation with the same aim, on urban land. The city of Pune will see a pilot project. The city is also among the 20 selected by the Centre for...

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At The Margins -Lola Nayar

-Outlook Is the devolution of ­national funds to states really worth the praise? * Share of the states in the divisible pool of central taxes has risen from 32% to 42% for five years till 2019-20 * Rise in untied funds transferred is accompanied by cut in Central assistance for state PLAn spending * Limited ability of the poorer states to expand their fiscal space with own revenue collection * Funds for rural development...

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Fly In The Face Of The Finest Print -Vipul Mudgal

-Outlook Vigorous action can nullify the reasons that conspire to keep Dalits out of newsrooms In the ’50s, a foreign correspondent wrote to a renowned south Indian English daily, seeking comments on alleged discrimination against non-Brahmin journalists on its staff. Discrimination was out of the question, the paper clarified, as it never hired a non-Brahmin!  Over  60 years later, the media landscape has altered but the Indian newsroom is still the sanctuary...

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Gujarat panchayat member loses post for flouting 2-child norm

-The Times of India AHMEDABAD: Upholding the two-child norm for panchayat candidates, the Gujarat high court has disqualified a taluka panchayat member who was elected last year and whose fourth child was born eight years ago but had died just five days after his birth. Mahesh Parmar was elected to Thasra taluka panchayat in local body elections last year but after a few months, another contestant brought to the notice of the...

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…69 million and counting -D Prabhakaran

-The Hindu In all this, more than 90 per cent of cases of diabetes are lifestyle-induced India is now in the midst of a diabetes epidemic, with an adult prevalence rate of nine per cent and almost 69 million people living with diabetes. In another 15 years, the figure is expected to rise to 101 million. In all this, more than 90 per cent of cases are lifestyle-induced. Individuals with diabetes do not...

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