On a day when the Andhra Pradesh High Court struck down job reservation for Muslims, the West Bengal government on Monday announced 10 per cent quota in employment for the community under the OBC category. The state government declared the quota for the Muslims who were educationally, socially and economically backward in the state. "We have decided to accept the recommendations of the Ranganath Mishra Commission and will take steps...
NRHM paints a poor picture of health facilities by Kounteya Sinha
This is what a prescription confiscated recently in a Madhya Pradesh primary healthcare centre read — "Above prescribed medicines are available in the medical store situated just outside the hospital." In a blatant example of the doctor-pharmaceutical company nexus that is not only plaguing Indian cities but also the country's most backward villages, the latest review of the National Rural Health Mission has found that the prescription pad was a...
More »Plan panel highlights problems in NREGA by Sangeeta Singh
A Planning Commission evaluation of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) has questioned the effectiveness of projects implemented under the Act in boosting productivity and creating assets. NREGA, the Union government’s flagship anti-poverty programme that promises 100 days of employment every year to the rural poor, is partly credited with driving the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) to victory in the April-May general election. In a presentation made at Prime Minister...
More »Starvation deaths in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan
At least two cases of hunger deaths have been reported from Jabalpur district of MP and Chittorgarh district of Rajasthan in the past few weeks. The two states are run by different political parties-- the BJP and the Congress-- but there is quite a lot common in the victims’ circumstances. Both families were among the poorest in their villages but were not included in the BPL list and both the...
More »The growth redux by Arjun Sengupta
The New Year began with very good news about the Indian economy. During the last five years, 2004 to 2009, India’s most Backward states have shown remarkable growth. Bihar, which grew at 4.5 per cent a year between 2001 and 2005, showed a growth rate of 11.3 per cent between 2005 and 2009. Similarly, Odisha increased its growth performance from 4.94 to 8.74 per cent between these two periods; Jharkhand...
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