At Rs 34 a kg, sugar is bitter for some 29 lakh BPL families who haven’t received a grain of the sweetener at subsidised rate for over seven months now. Every BPL card-holder is entitled to a monthly quota of 1.12 kg sugar from PDS shops at Rs 13.50 a kg while the price in the open market is Rs 34 a kg. Streamlining the public distribution system (PDS) during his tenure,...
Chronic Hunger by Ajoy Ashirwad Mahaprashasta
Last summer, about 150 families of Kachan village in Jharkhand’s Palamu district decided to pool funds to repair their only community tube well. A drought, the worst in many years, had dried up two ponds; there were no wells around; and the tube well had been dysfunctional for a year. It took a lot of hardship and one whole month for them to put together what the mechanic had asked...
More »India’s Woes Reflected in Bid to Restart Old Plant by Vikas Bajaj
“Wherever there is a lamp, there is darkness below it,” said Bava Bhalekar, a fisherman and local leader in this village roughly a hundred miles south of Mumbai. “The tragedy is that while our village has this project, we ourselves don’t have electricity.” “This project” is the power plant that Enron built. A decade after Enron withdrew from the project, the Indian government and two Indian companies are promising to...
More »In Pathrad, resistance amid Maheshwar dam displacement by Mahim Pratap Singh
Maheshwar (Khargone district, M.P.): “ Hamaari ladaai vikas se nahi, visthaapan se hai [Our fight is against displacement, not development],” Radhe Shyam Patidar of Pathrad village says, with a hint of aggression visible in the wrinkles around his ageing eyes. “We are only demanding proper rehabilitation for our village and we will not back down on that,” he says. Interestingly, whether the Maheshwar dam project, India's first privately financed hydroelectric project,...
More »Guaranteeing unemployment
It is true that, at 119 crore person-days, the employment created this year by the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MNREGS), the government’s flagship programme, is tiny, a fraction of one percentage point of the total employment in the country. But a more meaningful way of looking at its potential impact, however, is to see that around half the country’s workforce has registered for a job under it...
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