-The Hindu In an observation that could raise the eyebrows, social activist Anna Hazare on Tuesday said he had agreed to talk to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh after it approached him to extend its support to his anti-corruption movement This was a step in getting the entire country together, and to create ‘one India' to fight corruption. “The Sangh has sent a message, and I will definitely talk to them. This movement...
NAC takes on BJP, backs communal violence bill by Nitin Sethi
Attacked by the opposition BJP, the Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council has put up a strong defence of its draft communal violence bill. Backing the bill's intentions, the council members have said that the law is intended not to blame the majority community in case of attacks on a 'non-dominant group' but to ensure that the administration works impartially. They said communal and targeted violence spreads mainly when the public officials charged...
More »Govt approves study act rules
-The Telegraph The Meghalaya government today approved the rules for implementation of the ambitious Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, or the RTE Act, 2009. According to the “child-centric” and “child-friendly” act, free and compulsory education should be provided to children in the age group of 6-14 years in Classes I to VII; no child should be held back, expelled or required to pass a board examination...
More »Hopes fading for climate agreement by Alister Doyle
* Only a less ambitious deal on climate change expected * Process is dead in the water - de Boer "Ask for a camel when you expect to get a goat," runs a Somali saying that sums up the fading of ambitions for United Nations talks on slowing climate change -- aim high, but settle for far less. Developing nations publicly insist the rich must agree far deeper cuts in greenhouse gas emissions,...
More »That seventies feeling by Pratap Bhanu Mehta
The government is returning to a 1970s mentality. This mentality used a presumptive distrust of citizens as an excuse for enhancing state power. It sought accountability, not through intelligently designed transparency norms, but greater discretionary power in state officials. And finally, it sought to curb citizens’ freedoms, not by directly assaulting them, but by embedding them in a structure of regulation that deters free expression. This mentality connects three recent sets...
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