The Maharashtra government launched the Rajiv Gandhi Jeevandayi Arogya Yojana here on Sunday, enabling families with annual income of less than Rs. 1 lakh to avail free medical facilities worth Rs. 1.5 lakh. Health Minister Suresh Shetty announced that this scheme, when fully implemented, would benefit close to 2.5 crore families. However, Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar, while praising the scheme, lamented the rising rate of population in the State. Mr....
It's a travesty of food security, says CPI(M) by Gargi Parsai
Bill will come up for discussion in the Cabinet on Monday, says K.V. Thomas Even as the Communist Party of India (Marxist) on Friday said the proposed National Food Security Bill was “unacceptable,” Minister of State for Food K.V. Thomas indicated that legislation was coming up for discussion in the Cabinet on Monday. The CPI(M) has demanded the removal of the linking of Entitlements to reforms in the public distribution system from...
More »Food Bill may be taken up by Cabinet today
-The Financial Express The Cabinet is likely to consider the National Food Security Bill which envisages subsidised foodgrain as legal entitlement for two third of the country's population on Tuesday. Once the Cabinet approves the bill, the food ministry will table in parliament during the current season. As per the food bill, 75% of the rural households will get subsidised grain and at least’ 46% households would be considered as ‘priority’ category, and...
More »Food Security Bill draft covers STs, breakfast for students by Gargi Parsai
The Centre has decided to include the Scheduled Tribes as a category that will, by law, be provided subsidised food grains through the public distribution system under the proposed National Food Security Bill. The final draft also provides for supply of “ready cooked hot breakfast” to eligible school children in addition to the mid-day meals under the Integrated Child Development Scheme. Highly placed sources told The Hindu that that the Union...
More »The Challenge of Inequality by Anil Padmanabhan
What is common between Brazil, Russia, India and China? That’s easy. They are the so-called BRIC countries. But, what is common between these BRIC countries and other emerging economies such as Indonesia, Argentina and South Africa? The answer: inequality. This disconcerting connect between these emerging economies is the focus of a report released last week by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the think tank for the club of...
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