-The Hindu The incident occured at around 7.15 a.m. on Monday. A tractor was set on fire at Delhi’s India Gate by a group of men protesting against the farm Bills on Monday morning. Eish Singhal, DCP (New Delhi), said that around 15 to 20 persons gathered at Rajpath near India Gate at around 7.15 a.m. and tried to set a tractor on fire. The fire has been doused and the tractor removed....
President Signs Farm Bills Passed Amid Unprecedented Drama In Parliament -Sunil Prabhu and Anindita Sanyal
-NDTV Earlier this week, huge framers' protests were held over the bills, especially in Punjab and Haryana, states that are dubbed the grain bowl of the country. New Delhi: All three controversial farm bills that are at the centre of a huge political storm and cost the ruling BJP its alliance with the Shiromani Akali Dal, became laws on Sunday with the signature of President Ram Nath Kovind. Flagging them as "historic"...
More »Sonia Gandhi asks Cong.-ruled States to bring in their own farm laws
-The Hindu This will alleviate farmers from grave injustice done by Modi govt, says statement. Congress president Sonia Gandhi has directed Punjab, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Pudducherry Chief Ministers to explore the possibility of passing laws to override the three agricultural laws passed recently by Parliament. A statement issued by party general secretary (organisation) K.C. Venugopal said that these States have been told to pass laws under Article 254 (2) of the Constitution that...
More »Sowing seeds of doubt: Farm Bills leave farmers, commission agents and workers worried -Vikas Vasudeva
-The Hindu Farmers in Punjab are worried about the implications of the three new farm bills that will allow them to sell their produce directly to private players. Vikas Vasudeva reports on the concerns of farmers, commission agents and workers despite the government’s assurances that the legislation empowers them In June 2020, 55-year-old Shingara Singh in Fatehpur village in Patiala, Punjab, sold his spring season maize crop at ₹700-₹800 per quintal, far...
More »Explained: What is the basis of MSP? How is it fixed, and how binding is it? -Harish Damodaran
-The Indian Express The newly passed farm trade Bill has raised concerns that farmers may no longer be assured MSP for their crop. But MSP isn’t even mentioned in the new law or in existing ones. How is it fixed, and how binding is it? The recently enacted law that dismantles the monopoly of APMC (agricultural produce market committee) mandis, thereby allowing sale and purchase of crops outside these state government-regulated market...
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