-PTI At present, UIDAI has issued 56 crore Aadhaar cards to residents against the mandated 60 crore so far The government is likely to allow on Thursday the Unique identification Authority of India (UIDAI) to start enrolments in areas other than the 18 states and Union Territories allocated to it for the purpose. According to an official source, the Cabinet Committee on UIDAI will discuss the proposal of the Planning Commission to allow...
Unkept promise -TK Rajalakshmi
-Frontline The tussle within some Central government Ministries over proposed cuts in the budget for rural development schemes has affected a promise made to senior citizens. THEIR wizened faces said it all. Though there was disappointment, there was also a glimmer of hope that their trek to the national capital would not go in vain. For almost a month, senior citizens, most of them poor, had been pouring into New Delhi from...
More »National rural jobs scheme loses steam in Karnataka, Rajasthan-Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-The Business Standard In 2009-10, number of days a household got employment in a year in rural areas of Rajasthan was about 38, which steadily dropped to 23 in 2012-13 Rajasthan and Karnataka, which used to be stand-out performers of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA)'s flagship scheme, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), of late, are showing signs of faltering in terms of execution, raising a question mark on...
More »A detailed map for financial inclusion-CRL Narasimhan
-The Hindu The report of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)-appointed Committee on Comprehensive Financial Services for Small Business and Low Income Households has been placed on the central bank's website for comments. Considering the voluminous nature of the report and even more pertinently its complex and, detailed treatment of the subject, the deadline for receiving comments, now set at January 24, would, in all probability, need to be extended. The report packs...
More »When the burden falls on the poor-Arun Kumar
-The Hindu Policies being pursued in India are based on the growth-at-any-cost model. The poor and the enviroment suffer while the corporates and organised sectors reap the benefits The Aam Aadmi Party, having won the trust vote, is now in the saddle in Delhi. By announcing several measures to benefit Delhiites, it had already impacted the political discourse in the nation. The established political parties are trying to follow suit. Why did...
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