-The Hindu The new Constitution Bench will sit for the first time on October 14. Over 60 years after an eight-judge Bench declared that Right to Privacy is not a fundamental right, the Supreme Court on Thursday decided to set up another Constitution Bench to re-look the question in the light of raging controversy that the Aadhaar card scheme is an invasion into citizen's privacy. In 1954, the Supreme Court Bench led by...
Internet.org or Facebook Free Basics: Do read the fine print -Leslie D'Monte
-Livemint.com Arguments against the initiative, such as violation of net neutrality, splintering the Internet and compromising security and privacy, remain unchanged Mumbai: Is it better for the poor to access a bit of the Internet for free with a few strings attached rather than have no access to it at all? On the face of it, most of us will find it hard to disagree with this proposition. After all, no one...
More »Why world leaders were served with a platter of trash at UN
-Agencies/ United Nations World leaders accustomed to fine dining had a surprise on their plates on Sunday at the United Nations. Lunch made from food waste -- like “Landfill Salad” -- was served to about 30 world leaders who attended a global summit on sustainable development agenda. Chefs cooked up a lunch made entirely of food that would have ended up in garbage bins, hoping to highlight the extraordinary waste in modern...
More »Rethinking conditional maternal entitlements -Vanita Leah Falcao and Jasmeet Khanuja
-Livemint.com There is a need to evaluate whether implementing a cash transfer programme has become the end On 4 September, the ministry of women and child development (MWCD) was issued a notice by the Supreme Court questioning its failure to implement the maternal cash entitlement guaranteed in the National Food Security Act, 2013 (NFSA). Section 4 of the NFSA entitles all pregnant and lactating women to Rs. 6,000, if they are...
More »Government exempts WhatsApp, social media from purview of encryption policy
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Shortly after a controversy erupted over government's proposal to investigate on every message that an individual will send via WhatsApp, SMS, or Google Hangouts, the Department of Electronics and Information Technology clarified in a draft that social media websites and applications will be exempted from the purview of the Encryption Policy. According to the draft posted by Deity, there are certain categories of encryption products that...
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