The Adarsh housing scam, which has already cost Ashok Chavan his job as Maharashtra chief minister, is sinking to still more embarrassing depths as investigators comb carefully through the claims of its promoters, who invoked the names of Kargil heroes and war widows to extract clearances. Did any Kargil hero actually get a flat in Adarsh? In 2002, the society had listed two members — out of a total of 71...
Global effort against TB bearing fruit, but success remains fragile – UN report
An estimated 41 million people have been cured of tuberculosis (TB) over the past 15 years through a treatment strategy recommended by the United Nations health agency, according to a new report, but success remains fragile and governments must strengthen their determination to combat the disease. “With 1.7 million people dying from tuberculosis last year – including 380,000 women, many of whom were young mothers – these successes are far too...
More »Black money became a reality in realty sector by Nauzer K Bharucha
We are a cash-rich company run by professionals,” says a smarmy 30-something Mumbai-based head of a leading real estate company. His company’s exponential growth in the span of just five years has raised eyebrows in industry and banking circles. The reasons are clear. The company is known to have tremendous clout in the corridors of power and with the builders’ lobby. It is backed by several important politicians in Mumbai and...
More »Five myths about microfinance by TT Ram Mohan
The microfinance bubble has burst. The AP government ordinance, the AP oppositionfs campaign asking borrowers not to repay and the sheer public hostility towards MFIs . all these have put the brakes on MFI activities for now. We need to rethink the role of MFIs in the rural economy . In order to do so, we must first grasp some of the myths on which the MFI sector has rested...
More »Goa tops unemployment list in India by Amitav Ranjan
The first-ever annual employment survey by the Labour Bureau under the Union Ministry of Labour points to a “jobless economic growth” last fiscal year. During the bureau’s survey period 2009-10 — also the year in which India’s gross domestic product grew by 7.4 per cent — unemployment was 9.4 per cent. The National Sample Survey Organisation, using its Consumer Expenditure Survey for 2007-08, had painted a rosy unemployment figure of 2.8...
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