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Doctor’s plaint helps to pull vaccine advertisement off air -C Maya

-The Hindu TV commercial on GlaxoSmithKline’s vaccine against Rota virus makes unsubstantiated claims, says ASCI At a time when the commercial interests of major private hospitals or pharma giants often take precedence over the health concerns of the common man, a New Delhi doctor has managed to get the Advertising Standards Council of India to stall a television commercial, aired by GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, hailing the benefits of its vaccine against Rota virus. The...

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CEOs give new land acquisition Bill the thumbs down

-The Business Standard The Bill will negatively impact new projects, with land acquisition cost going up by as much as 150%, say industry captains After the initial euphoria, leaders of India Inc are realising that the proposed Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill will not make their lives easier. Instead, it will negatively impact new projects, with land acquisition cost going up by as much as 150 per cent, making large projects...

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On paper, RTE successfully implemented in Maharashtra -Roli Srivastava

-The Times of India PUNE: Less than a fortnight ago, the state education department had stirred up a hornet's nest when it announced that kindergartens would now come under the purview of Right to Education Act, putting a spanner in their ongoing admission process. Much confusion prevailed followed by a flurry of clarifications from the government asking them to go ahead with their admission process as long as they kept 25...

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Voting with your fingertips -N Gopalaswami

-The Hindu The incorporation of the Aadhar number in the electoral rolls will help to minimise malpractices and enable more people to participate in elections Every October, the Election Commission begins the annual exercise of revising the electoral rolls with the following January 1 as the effective date. This October, there was another important news — the launching of Aadhar enabled service delivery in Dudu in Rajasthan. The EC and Aadhar can...

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Arctic could be ice-free in summer months, says draft IPCC report -Nitin Sethi

-The Times of India Of all the warnings about dramatic effects of climate change, a leaked draft UN report is the most vigorous in arguing that fears of an ice-free Arctic Ocean in summer months can become a reality if global temperature rises by more than 2 degree Celsius over current levels. The draft copy of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report says there is a 90-100% chance that the...

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