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Farmer suicides: 70% of India's farm families spend more than they earn -Devanik Saha &NBSp; The failing economics of such farms–agricultural households in the south are most indebted–are exacerbated by additional loans that families take to meet health issues, leaving them with diminished ability to invest in farming. Nearly 70% of India’s 90 million agricultural households spend more than they earn on average each month, pushing them towards debt, which is now the primary reason in more than half of all suicides by farmers nationwide,...

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Farmer protests: Over-reliance on a single crop has cost them dear -Mihir Shah

-Hindustan Times India needs a paradigm shift in agriculture for economic and ecological sustainability Whenever flashpoints are reached, such as the current farmers’ agitation, there is a clamour for immediate palliatives. This is understandable, as those in acute distress need relief. But what we must not overlook are the profound possibilities of reform that such crises open up. Take Madhya Pradesh (MP), the epicentre of the agitation, which best exemplifies the required...

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Middle Earth Moguls -Pragya Singh

-Outlook Good monsoon or bad, glut or drought, boom or’s always fair weather for the range of middlemen who come between the farmer and consumer. An anatomy of the trade. One of the axioms of logic is called the Law of the Excluded Middle. Something has to be eit­her true or false—there’s no middle ground. As we all know, economics works a bit differently. Facts can be fickle, data pliable, and...

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National education policy: Kasturirangan to head panel to prepare final draft

-The Indian Express The government had earlier formed a panel under former cabinet secretary T S R Subramanian on National Education Policy. Sources said inputs from the Subramanian panel report will be utilised for the final draft. The government has appointed a nine-member committee under space scientist Krishnaswamy Kasturirangan’s leadership to prepare the final draft for the New Education Policy (NEP). The panel, which has been asked to begin work immediately, includes...

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Small businesses grapple with GST compliance -Surabhi

-The Hindu Business Line Automating the systems seems to be the biggest challenge New Delhi: With less than a week to go for the new indirect tax regime to kick in, small businesses are trying to understand the modalities of the goods and services tax (GST) as the compliance burden for them is set to significantly rise. Making a relaxation for small businesses, rules allow those with an annual turnover between Rs. 20...

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