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Updating Aadhaar for better privacy -Rahul Tongia

-The Hindu Each authorised user of the system would get a longer number that is generated to be unique, but based on the base UID number. To its proponents, Unique Identification (UID, branded Aadhaar) is the solution to citizen empowerment. To its opponents, UID is a violation of not only citizen privacy but even citizen rights. In reality, like any programme or project, it can be anything we design it to be....

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The woman who electrified a village and took on a mafia -Salman Ravi

-BBC Kalawati Devi Rawat is known as the woman who brought electricity to her remote village in the hills of the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand, writes BBC Hindi's Salman Ravi. It was the early 1980s and she had just been married and moved to Bacher village to live with her husband. The village had no electricity and she found life tough once it got dark in the hills. One day, she led a...

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Social audit of MGNREGA conducted in one-third of districts

  Social audit is an important tool not just to ensure transparency and accountability in the MGNREGS, but also for successful running of the programme. The MIS (Management Information System) data provided by the website reveals that at the national-level roughly one-third of all districts were covered under social audit during the financial year 2015-16, as on 26 March, 2016. The top 5 states during 2015-16 (FY) in terms of the...

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Auditing Aadhaar

-Business Standard Need open deliberation on systems to avoid misuse Now that a law is being put in place to validate the Aadhaar programme, the focus must shift to the rules which will be framed under it to work the system. It has to be ensured that these rules reflect the spirit and content of the new law. In scrutinising the rules, three primary issues will have to be kept in...

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Government increases wages for NREGS by about 6%, no revision in pay calculation formula -Ruchika Chitravanshi

-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: The government has dropped the idea of changing the wage calculation formula for its flagship rural jobs programme but has increased the wages about 6% for 2016-17. It has increased allocation to the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme 4% to Rs 38,500 crore for 2016-17 compared to that in the current fiscal. The scheme would have required an additional Rs 2,000 crore had the...

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