-The Telegraph New Delhi: India's weather agency has revised its 2014 monsoon forecast downwards, predicting 13 per cent rainfall deficit instead of 7 per cent forecast earlier this year, cautioning that yields of several crops may decline but dismissing fears of a widespread drought. The India Meteorological Department today said the rainfall during the remaining six weeks of the monsoon season will be much better than over the past two months. But...
Support price for jowar, ragi soon
-The Business Standard The government had announced Rs 2,000 per quintal, which the Farmers were unhappy with Dharwad: The State Agriculture Price Commission will shortly recommend the revised support price for jowar and ragi crops, said commission chairman Prakash Kammaradi. Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a workshop on the production of jowar, organised in connection with the government's plans to incorporate jowar and ragi into the Anna Bhagya scheme here on...
More »How many Farmers does India really have? -Prachi Salve
-IndiaSpend.com It's a bit of a mystery question. Reason is most data tells you that more than half of India's population lives on or off agriculture. But does it really? The World Trade Organization General Council which met on July 24-25 failed to arrive at a consensus on the Doha Round talks thanks to India's position on agriculture subsidies. Needless to add, this has once again put the spotlight on...
More »Jowar, ragi cultivation to be tagged with MGNREGA
-The Business Standard K'taka government has announced this to enhance the jowar and ragi production in the state Dharwad: The Karnataka State Agriculture Commission has come forward with plans to tag the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA) scheme with jowar and ragi farming to help the Farmers overcome the problem of high labour component. Commission chairman Prakash Kammaradi said here on Monday that the state government had announced schemes to...
More »Umbrella agri scheme to improve supply of agri-commodities at grassroot level -Anindita Dey
-The Business Standard Four sub missions have been merged into one scheme - agri extension, seed and planting material, agri mechanisation and plant protection and plant quarantine Mumbai: The ministry of agriculture has introduced an umbrella scheme to augment agricultural extension and technology activities with the objective of improving the supply of the agricultural commodities from the grass root level. According to official sources, the impetus on agricultural extension has to go hand...
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