Total Matching Records found : 15713

Property: Daughter has share but father has will -Manoj Mitta

-The Times of India Despite a historic amendment in 2005, the Hindu inheritance law still suffers from gender bias. It is 10 years since the daughter has been brought on a par with the son under the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 (HSA). This historic amendment of 2005 never made much of a splash though, unlike other farreaching enactments of the same year such as RTI, NREGA and even the domestic violence law. The...

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How hungry is India? -Archana Mishra

-Tehelka The country has egg on its face but not in its diet, as the Global Hunger Index reveals acute malnutrition Swachh Bharat Mission, if implemented in a holistic fashion, holds the key to curbing not only the problem of diarrhoeal deaths for which India holds the world record, but also malnutrition. However, the World Toilet Summit, which was held in the national capital this year as part of the Mission, was...

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The Importance of Being 'Rurban': Tracking Changes in a Traditional Setting -Dipankar Gupta

-Economic and Political Weekly A categorical distinction is facing rough weather--that between urban and rural. If we take just agriculture, there is so much of the outside world that comes in not just as external markets but as external inputs. Further, many of our villages barely qualify as rural if we were to take occupation alone. So the earlier line that separated the farmer from the worker in towns is slowly...

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Is there a perfect recipe for estimating the hungry? -Roshan Kishore

-Mint Sunday/ Although there is no unanimity on how to define hunger, different MEAsures enrich our understanding of its various facets In its latest report on food insecurity in the world, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said that India has lagged behind other countries in reducing hunger. The share of hungry people in developing regions fell 11 percentage points to 12.3% between 1990-92 and 2014-16, according to its projections, while...

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Foreign Funding: Listing us among barred NGOs a mistake, say top institutes -Ruhi Tewari & Vijaita Singh

-The Indian Express A few days after the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) barred several organisations, including some top educational institutions, from receiving foreign funds, some of them hit back at the Centre on Friday saying the government made a “gross mistake” by including them in the list of NGOs receiving foreign funds. Educational institutions like IIT-Kharagpur, IIT-Delhi, Delhi University, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Panjab University were among those barred by the...

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