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Indigenous potion for sting protection by Satyanarayan Pattnaik

Tribals have their unique ways of treating various diseases in their conventional methods without using modern medicines. And when it comes to get rid of mosquitoes, tribals in Koraput district's Lamataput block are using a home-made potion since ages. They do not purchase any mosquito coil or liquidator from the market to keep mosquitoes at bay, but use a potion prepared from seeds of a fruit, kusum, saves them from...

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'Climate change of serious global concern'

Climate change is a serious global issue of great concern to different countries. So said Dr Manjit Singh Kang, PAU vice-chancellor, on the opening day of a three-day international conference on 'Preparing Agriculture for Climate Change' at Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) on Sunday. 'Green revolution is a path-breaking movement and Punjab has spearheaded it for over four decades,' said Punjab Agricultural Marketing Board chairman Ajmer Singh Lakhowal, the chief guest. Kang, who...

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Common concerns by Latha Jishnu

As the commons come under increasing assault, academics, practitioners and policymakers come together to devise ways to protect shared resources On a cold January night in Hyderabad, a fortnight ago, Jairam Ramesh, Minister for Environment and Forests, was led to an open-air dinner by folk drummers and body-painted tiger dancers as an appreciative audience of international academics and grassroots workers cheered and milled around him. Ramesh had become the toast of...

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Counting India

The Census Commissioner has done well to put a deadline of two years to process all Census data, and that’s with the detailed tables tabulated on the basis of the full sample—while the detailed tables were based on a small sample before 2001, the decision to use the full sample caused a delay the last time around, and users had to wait till the second half of the decade to...

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SKS may shut shop in Andhra Pradesh by Dinesh Unnikrishnan & Aveek Datta

SKS Microfinance Ltd on Thursday said it may downsize operations and even “shut shop” in Andhra Pradesh, which accounts for a quarter of its business, if the southern state retains its recent Act governing microcredit operations. “If the state Act is not repealed, we wouldn’t have a choice but to shut shop in Andhra and leave,” founder and chairman Vikram Akula said. India’s largest and only listed microfinance institution (MFI) would not,...

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