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Is transparency in lobbying the silver bullet for controlling corruption? -Roshan Kishore Regulation and disclosure of political funding and lobbying activities is no guarantee for lack of political corruption and vested interests influencing policies New Delhi: The recent sting by news portal Naradanews showing Trinamool Congress legislators accepting cash to lobby for a private company has once again exposed the dark underbelly of corruption in Indian politics. But this is not the first time. In 2005, 11 MPs were expelled from Parliament after a...

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VP provokes editors: ‘24X7 agitation’ putting pressures -Aditi Tandon

-The Tribune New Delhi: Top editors today engaged in an eclectic dialogue on the ills of Indian journalism after Vice-President Hamid Ansari listed their challenges in the times of “24X7 agitation of television news channels”. Addressing a seminar on the “Role of Editors in Today’s Media”, a Rajya Sabha TV initiative, Ansari lamented the decline of media ethics, recalling recent instances of some TV channels airing concocted content at the peak of...

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Ansari flags 'erroneous' media reports

-The Telegraph New Delhi: Vice-President Hamid Ansari today cited "erroneous" media reports to warn that such coverage could erode the media's credibility and impair civil liberties but did not refer to the JNU controversy by name. Ansari, who is also the Rajya Sabha Chair, was addressing a seminar on the "Role of Editors in Today's Media", organised by Rajya Sabha TV. He conceded the importance of speedy coverage in an age of 24x7...

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Farmers' prospect destroyed by erratic rains

Like 2015, this year too unseasonal rainfall and hailstorm have taken the farmers by surprise. Recent media reports suggest that extreme weather event has damaged rabi crops in a number of states from north India. The Weekly Weather Report prepared for the week spanning 10-16 March, 2016, which was issued by the India Meteorological Department (IMD), shows that excessive rainfall was observed in Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand,...

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Rains, hailstorms may cause 13 million tonnes damage to wheat output, forcing govt. to go for imports: ASSOCHAM

-Business Standard - Capital Market Unseasonal rains accompanied by hailstorms are creating havoc for Indian farmers year after year even as the country faces shortfall in wheat production by around 13 million tonnes from the initial estimates of 93.8 million tonnes in the current crop year and the development may force the government to consider imports of the staple grain as well, according to an ASSOCHAM paper. "The shortfall in production...

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