-Los Angeles Times Chandan Savargaon: The day before his little sister's engagement party, Vibhishan Tapse was in a buoyant mood. He laughed with his mother and teased the bride-to-be as they prepared food and set out sweets for 200 guests who would begin arriving the next morning. Months earlier, the 23-year-old Tapse had told his father: You paid for my two older sisters' weddings. Let me take care of this one. That meant...
Sustainable growth in agriculture -Avinash Kishore
-Live Mint Kishore says good science needs support from sensible policies to promote sustainable growth in agriculture India faced a Malthusian nightmare when it won independence in 1947: its population was growing at an unprecedented rate while food production was failing to keep pace. A generation of Indians still remembers the precarious ship-to-mouth existence in the first 20 years after independence when we relied on food aid (PL-480) from America and our...
More »Andhra Pradesh counters RBI's claims -Jinka Nagaraju
-The Times of India In a sternly-worded letter dashed off to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the Andhra Pradesh government has urged the institution to not underestimate the distressful conditions prevailing in the state for the past three years, which has forced as many as 6,792 Farmers to commit suicide. The nine-page letter dated July 25, countering RBI's argument about AP reporting no cases of acute concern among Farmers, has been...
More »All about genetically modified food -Rahul Goswami
-The Asian Age Three common arguments are advanced to the citizens of India as justifying the need for genetically modified crops. None of these owe their intellectual genesis to the present NDA government (which is employing them nonetheless), and can be found as theses in both UPA2 and UPA1. They are: Genetically engineered seed and crop are necessary in order that India find lasting food security; that good science and particularly...
More »Stick to reform
-The Business Standard Do not roll back crucial food procurement reform Food Minister Ram Vilas Paswan, in an interview to this newspaper, has said that his ministry has not come to any "firm conclusion" on his directive to states about procurement. The Centre had told states to stop offering a bonus on top of the Centre's minimum support prices (MSPs) for wheat and rice, and to limit their procurement to match the...
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