Total Matching Records found : 24734

Shortage of specialist doctors in rural areas: Guj govt to HC

-PTI Ahmedabad: The state government today told the Gujarat High Court that there was a shortage of specialist doctors at community health centres as they were generally unwilling to work in rural areas and small towns. In an affidavit filed in response to a PIL seeking the courts direction to the state to provide better diagnosis and treatment facilities to control vector-borne diseases, the government said that it was fully equipped to...

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Modi Government Gives Shock Treatment To Social Policy -Jean Dreze

-NDTV The Modi government is finally getting some flak, as it should, for its confused economic policies, epitomised by the demonetisation blunder last year. Despite relatively favourable circumstances (including good monsoons and a decline in international fuel PRIces), the rate of economic growth is declining quarter after quarter. For manufacturing, it is even close to zero, according to the latest estimates. Statistics related to employment and wages are even more worrying....

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How to 'Skill India' When the Jobs are Bad -Orlanda Ruthven There a growing chasm between corporate India’s hiring strategy and the aspirations of India’s young workers. The new skill development minister, Dharmendra Pradhan, has a strong track record in digital schemes to deliver subsidised gas to needy households. But he is in for a challenge in the vocational training sector, less amenable to scale economies, woefully dependent on PRIvate industry and saddled with the burden of expectations set, first by the...

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States should spend more on nutrition -Malancha Chakrabarty Greater fiscal autonomy has not yet translated into higher spending on nutrition by states Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi once said, “There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.” Sadly, hunger and undernutrition continue to plague our country. India’s record in addressing undernutrition is abysmal. With a stunting rate of 38.4%, India accounts for about a third of the world’s stunted...

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Revisiting demonestisation: 'If the notes have come back, why not the lost jobs?' -Abhishek Dey In Delhi’s largest industrial area, many are still struggling to find work. “If 99% of the demonetised currency has returned [to the banking system], then why haven’t the jobs that demonetisation took away from us come back too?” asked Bajrang Yadav, 45, standing in a waterlogged lane outside his home in a slum cluster in West Delhi’s Mayapuri area last Sunday. Yadav was referring to the Reserve Bank of India’s annual report...

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