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No need for hype but certainly a hope-Jairam Ramesh and Varad Pande

-The Hindu The Direct Benefits Transfer Initiative is the real tool against corruption that will ensure that the welfare state doesn’t degenerate into a farewell state We are grateful to Narendar Pani (Editorial page, “Cashing in on schemes for poor,” November 29, 2012) and Bharat Bhatti and Madhulika Khanna (Editorial page, “Neither effective nor equitable,” December 4, 2012) for starting a useful debate on the United Progressive Alliance government’s Direct Benefits Transfer...

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RBI’s KYC guidelines: You can now open a bank account with just one document-Vivek Sharma The latest RBI KYC guidelines for opening new bank accounts make it a lot easier for common man as only one document would suffice as proof of identity and proof of residence   The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has come with modifications in KYC (Know Your Customer) guidelines. These modifications have been introduced as per the circular date 10 December 2012 (RBI/2012-13/322 DBOD.AML.BC. No. 65/14.01.001/2012-13). It is important to note that...

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Retail FDI: an imagined solution-VK Madhavan

-Live Mint FDI or not, there are problems that plague Indian agriculture and will need to be fixed first  With the parliamentary vote on foreign direct investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail out of the way, the government will proceed with the liberalization of this sector as it thinks it will improve the prospects of agriculture.   Should we be worried about our small neighbourhood stores shutting down? The fears are overblown. Organized large-format retail...

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Growthwallahs need to pause and reflect-Anil Padmanabhan

-Live Mint The solutions to India’s growth problems require a more holistic approach Whether rightly or wrongly, there is a growing critique of India’s current development strategy: of a top-down, trickle-down theory that rides on an extraordinary growth momentum. They are disparate, but when the dots are connected they do present a coherent reminder that this strategy may not be the best and, worse, it is not sustainable. To a large extent this...

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Now, Russia, UAE and others want direct government control of Internet -Shalini SIngh

-The Hindu Leaked documents at WCIT expose secret design; India steers clear of the proposal A leaked document from the UN’s World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) being held in Dubai, shows that the UAE accompanied by Russia, China, Sudan, Algeria and Brazil had placed a proposal to fundamentally restructure the Web and place it under government control, with authorisation for extensive state surveillance and content regulation. Brazilians later tweeted, denying their...

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