Total Matching Records found : 12633

Major reductions of greenhouse gas emissions from livestock within reach –UN agency

-The United Nations Wider use of available best practices and technologies could help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the livestock sector by as much as 30 per cent, according to a new study released today by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The report, "Tackling climate change through livestock: A global assessment of emissions and mitigation opportunities," represents the most comprehensive estimate to date of livestock's contribution to global warming,...

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Progress blow to Gujarat -Basant Kumar Mohanty

-The Telegraph New Delhi: An expert panel has ranked Gujarat 12th among states in development, its findings flying in the face of Narendra Modi's claims but winning endorsement from economists The Telegraph spoke to. The committee, headed by Raghuram Rajan who has since been appointed Reserve Bank governor, assessed states on the basis of 10 criteria, which included many human development indicators. Bengal came 16th. Economist and Planning Commission member Abhijit Sen, who...

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Raghuram Rajan Committee report demolishes Modi's claims of development in Gujarat -Kartikeya Sharma

-India Today The BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi is going to fight the next general elections on the development plank, and he puts forth Gujarat as the model of development. At public meetings, he has been appealing to other states and the Centre to follow his model. But the latest index released by the finance ministry may prove to be a pinprick. It shows Gujarat has not done as well...

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No drinking water, electricity and sanitation in 20% of rural houses: Report

-The Times of India   One in five rural households has none of three basic facilities - drinking water, electricity and sanitation - while only about 18% have access to all three. The India Rural development Report 2012-13 released by Jairam Ramesh on Thursday also shows that while rural poverty has reduced significantly from over 40% to just 26%, there is large variation in poverty reduction between regions, districts and social classes...

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Have Gujarat and Bihar Outperformed the Rest of India?: A Statistical Note -R Nagaraj and Shruti Pandey

-Economic and Political Weekly In the popular and media imagination, fed by economists and columnists, Gujarat and Bihar have both recorded an extraordinary economic performance in the past decade. But a careful analysis shows that Gujarat, always one of the richest states, has done no better than before. In neither industry nor agriculture has its position radically changed. The only dramatic difference has been the emergence of import-dependent and export-oriented petroleum...

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