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NAC members raise concerns over direct benefit transfer scheme-Anuja & Liz Mathew

-Live Mint Concerns raised over the efficiency of banking networks and on-the-ground preparations for the scheme A section of the Sonia Gandhi -led National Advisory Council (NAC) is not happy with the government “rushing into” the direct benefit transfer (DBT) scheme, expected to be the flagship programme of the ruling Congress party in the national election scheduled for next year. At a meeting of the NAC on Tuesday, where Unique Identification Authority of...

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Right to Homestead Bill: Task force to finalise draft-Priscilla Jebaraj

-The Hindu Draft Bill to be discussed on Tuesday After legislating the Right to Information and Education — and making a stab at the Right to Work and Food through the Mahatma Gandhi National rural Employment Guarantee Act and the Food Security Act respectively — the government’s next step seems to be aimed at legally upholding the right to a home of your own. On Tuesday, a task force set up by the...

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Massive irregularities in rural jobs scheme in UP: Jairam

-PTI Lalitpur (UP): Union Minister for rural Development Jairam Ramesh on Monday alleged massive irregularities in the implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi National rural Employee Guarantee Scheme in seven districts of Uttar Pradesh and demanded a CBI probe into it. The Union Minister claimed that neither the previous Mayawati regime nor the present Akhilesh Yadav Government has recommended CBI probe into MNREGS irregularities in spite of his repeated appeals. “There had been massive...

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Forget job card, bring rooster for MGNREGA wages-Sheikh Saleem

-Rising Kashmir Srinagar: The criterion for laborers getting wages with Mahatma Gandhi National rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) in Bandipora villages is not a job card but a rooster. “Even if you have worked efficiently, you will be paid wages only if you have a desi rooster to gift the officials,” locals from various Bandipora villages said. Alleging corruption in the release of funds, people from Zaban Chuntimulla said authorities were not releasing...

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Food bill: Why Budget 2013 is a make-or-break budget for UPA-Amulya Ganguli

-First Post With 10 state assembly elections this year and the general election in the next, the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) faces possibly its sternest challenge since it returned to power in 2009. It goes without saying that the forthcoming electoral tests have been compounded by the perceptibly declining political standing of the ruling alliance caused by multiple scams and economic stagnation. In addition, defeats in a series of elections ranging...

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