-The Hindu Business Line Threaten to stop deliveries if system not in place by month-end The Government may have to take some quick decisions if it wants smooth delivery of domestic LPG cylinders. The All India LPG Distributors’ Federation today said that if the Government and the oil marketing companies fail to come up with a proper enforcement mechanism by the month-end, then effective October 1, the distributors would be left with no...
Retail FDI-for people or MNCs? -Shekhar Swamy
-The Hindu Business Line A system that generates wealth and jobs for millions will be replaced by retail giants with the pricing power to squeeze farmers and consumers. The UPA Government announced its policy last week, of inviting big multinational retailers to come and take over the Indian market. Predictably, the pro-lobby that has worked behind the scenes has expressed delight. Oddly, the words and concerns of the masses who are about to...
More »Kudankulam row: NBW issued against Udayakumar
-PTI Kudankulam (TN): A local court today issued a Non Bailable Warrant (NBW) against anti-nuclear activist, SP Udayakumar spearheading the movement against Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant. The NBW was issued by the Valliyoor court against Udayakumar while hearing a case registered by the Revenue and Police of Tirunelveli “for MISusing a place of worship to instigate people and agitate against the Government on September 10.” The Police and revenue officials had filed a...
More »Settle policy feud: PM to Azad, Montek -Kounteya Sinha & Nitin Sethi
-The Times of India In a significant intervention aimed at settling a noisy policy feud, PM Manmohan Singh has asked health minister Ghulam Nabi Azad to sort out differences over the thrust and formulation of the health policy in the 12th plan with Planning ComMISsion deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia. The PM intervened during the full meeting of the Planning ComMISsion on Saturday when Azad took up issues that have led to...
India earned another dubious distinction in child mortality with the highest number of deaths of children under-five-years of age, according to a UNICEF report released in September 2012. India's toll is higher than the deaths in Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo and Pakistan put together. Globally, almost 19,000 children under five years of age die every day across the world a quarter of which is in India alone. India accounted for...
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