-PTI/ Newsclick.in The woman, Ranganayaki, said she merely shared a forwarded post by her friend raising questions on the incident. Amaravati: The Andhra Pradesh CID police have registered a case against a 60-year-old woman for allegedly posting in social media questions pertaining to the recent Styrene gas leak incident in Visakhapatnam in which 12 people lost their lives and hundreds fell ill. The CID is also investigating the role of a man, Malladi...
How come companies have money for PM Cares fund, but not for their staff? -Vivek Kaul
-Newslaundry.com Any company in India wanting to do business without being disturbed needs to be in the good Books of the government. In the post-Covid world, companies are looking to cut costs in order to survive. They have been doing so in various ways. Some of the popular ways in the Indian context are: 1) Cutting salaries of employees. 2) Putting any fresh recruitment on hold. 3) Putting increments on hold. 4) Putting variable payouts on...
More »‘Good Economics for Hard Times: Better Answers to Our Biggest Problems’ review: Have plumbers, need architect -Jean Drèze
-The Hindu Seeing economists as ‘plumbers’, Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo show how economic reasoning and evidence can shed light on real-world issues John Maynard Keynes, the founder of Keynesian economics, once said that “if economists could manage to get themselves thought of as a humble, competent people, on a level with dentists, that would be splendid”. Judging from recent opinion polls, economists still have a long way to go. According to...
More »Piketty’s New Book: Praise for Caste-Based Affirmative Action and Other Takeaways for India -Ashish Mehta
-TheWire.in In 'Capital and Ideology', the economist expands his investigations across the globe and over long periods of history to explore the role of ideologies in fuelling inequality. Thomas Piketty made his name in 2014, when his Capital in the Twenty-First Century became an unlikely bestseller. Overnight, he achieved rockstar status – a rarity for an economist. The book seemed to express the outrage against economic inequality, which was making headlines then,...
More »How we define and categorise the Delhi violence matters -Ashutosh Varshney
-The Indian Express India’s citizenry is well and truly into a battle for constitutional values, which must be fought, most of all, with non-violent determination and vigour. In the historical scale of rioting, where do the recent Delhi riots belong? And what is their larger political significance? The first question is statistical. During early to mid-1990s, Steven Wilkinson, now teaching at Yale, and I, set up a database for all recorded Hindu-Muslim riots...
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