Chief Information Commissioner Satyananda Mishra demanded on Friday that the Central Information Commission be upgraded to the status of a Constitutional authority along the lines of the Election Commission of India and the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. RTI circles interpreted Mr. Mishra's intervention, coming after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's call for a critical look at the Right to Information Act, as an effort to safeguard the Act and the...
Lokpal to delay graft cases? by Josy Joseph
Lokpal provisions under consideration of the parliamentary standing committee could actually lead to significant delays in punishing erring bureaucrats, rather than speeding up the process. This would be among the key arguments from stakeholders who are expected to interact with the standing committee in the coming days. The constitution of the particular standing committee has been significantly delayed, forcing the presentations by CBI chief and central vigilance commissioner for the third...
More »The search for a perfect Bill by Amitabh Sinha
Over the last few days, as a desperate government tried to tide over the Lokpal Bill crisis, it received over half-a-dozen variants of the draft legislation. On Saturday, both Houses of Parliament took up the subject and though the debate was mostly confined to the Jan Lokpal Bill, it made the political point that while an effective law should be devised to tackle corruption, Parliament’s supremacy must be maintained. The...
More »‘Omnibus Lokpal will not serve purpose' by ML Melly Maitreyi
The amendments to Lokpal Bill, 2011 submitted to the Standing Committee of Parliament by the civic society group represented by Jayaprakash Narayan of Lok Satta envisage Lokpal's jurisdiction over the Prime Minister and creation of strong Lokayuktas in States. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said in the Lok Sabha on Thursday that the versions of Lokpal Bill suggested by the three civil society groups, including that of Dr. Narayan (JP), w ould...
More »Revamping PDS: a tale of two States by Mahim Pratap Singh
Tired of its own inefficiency in plugging leaks and ensuring timely delivery of ration, the Madhya Pradesh government has decided to take the privatisation route to improve its ailing Public Distribution System. The new system is being put in place by a corporate consortium led by HCL Infosystems with Edenred India Private Ltd ― a subsidiary of corporate meal voucher provider and multinational hospitality giant Accor ― and Virgo Softech Pvt....
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